Sunday, June 8, 2008

KRM-PADANG BESAR: Youth programmes, including Rakan Muda, to be re-evaluated

KRM-PADANG BESAR: Youth programmes, including Rakan Muda, to be re-evaluated


Vision Rakan Muda is "A New Vision for the Youth", a part of the development of Vision 2020, Malaysia's blueprint for social and economic development for the country.
As a physical entity, Rakan Muda is an all-encompassing, innovative Youth Focal Point - the first and biggest of its kind in the country - created to effectively capture the imagination of our youth. To make them purposeful and active contributors in nation building. And to make them dynamic partners in Malaysia's development goals and strategies.
To begin with, 10 lifestyle programmes that have strong youth-appeal were identified and developed. They are:
Rakan Sukan (Sports), Rakan Wajadiri (Martial Arts), Rakan Cinta Alam (The Environment), Rakan Seni Budaya (Culture & Arts), Rakan Rekacipta (Innovations), Rakan Wirausaha dan Wiramahir (Entrepreneurship), Rakan Kecergasan (Physical Fitness), Rakan Masyarakat (Community Service), Rakan Rekreasi (Recreation) and Briged Rakan Muda (Uniformed Corps). These programmes were designed to channel the energies of our young people towards healthy, productive and interesting activities.
A strong visual identity was then developed for Rakan Muda - a logo based on the concept of "Reach for the Stars." The Stars symbolise excellence, success, achievement - positive attributes for young people to follow. A spirited, motivating action line was also devised - "Yakin Boleh!" meaning "Yes, we can!" - as their rallying cry.
This spirited call resounded around the nation for the first time on 29 October 1994, when the Prime Minister, YAB Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, launched Rakan Muda together with one of the lifestyle programmes, Rakan Wajadiri.
Within six months of the launch, over half a million young Malaysians registered to participate in the programme. And the numbers are still growing!

What is Rakan Muda All About?


Malaysia is a young country with a young population.
In fact, out of a total population of 19 million, over 7 million are between the ages of 15-34 years and this trend is anticipated to continue until the turn of the century.
With a keen eye on its economic future and to sustain its social stability, the country is galvanising and moulding young people with the principles and character to carry on the momentum of success.
More so as independent surveys and media reports have brought to light the disturbing news that many young people appear to lack the motivation and drive to be a part of Malaysia's success story. Instead, many were falling victim to the many social ills.
In response to this national concern, a strategic mission for young people was formulated to:
Instill a sense of pride, belonging and confidence
Promote a sense of unity, loyalty and patriotism
Cultivate a thirst for knowledge and the motivation for self-improvement
Inculcate an appreciation for high moral values and positive attitudes
In short, the inculcation of these principles were to instil in our young people a lasting, driving sense of pride, ambition and community spirit. To make them a national resource, the future hope of the nation.

From this, Rakan Muda (or Young Partners) was born.

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